


BIOREBA AG ir pirmā kompānija pasaulē, kura izstrādāja un piedāvāja tirgū ELISA reaģentus augu vīrusu diagnostikai (1980.gadā).
Tā ir neatkarīga kompānija, kas sākotnēji tika izveidota ciešā sadarbībā ar pētījumu centru Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil ACW Nyon, Šveicē. Līdz mūsdienām, vairāk kā 30 gadu laikā, BIOREBA ir nodibinājusi sadarbību arī ar vairākiem citiem pētījumu institūtiem un universitātēm dažādās valstīs, stabili augusi, ieguvusi starptautisku atzinību par augstu kvalitāti (ISO 9001 sertifikāts) un piedāvā savus produktus visa pasaulē.



BIOREBA AG is an independent biotech company providing diagnostic tests for the detection of plant pathogens. Organisms such as these cause plant diseases that result in tens of billions of dollars in crop losses each year. Early detection of infected plants and seeds establishes good premises for healthy, thriving crops and high crop yields.
Our customers, across more than 100 countries, benefit from our expert knowledge and long-standing experience in the field of plant pathogens. Our services:
We are committed to providing high quality products and excellent services and never stop working on the further development of new products and solutions.
Since the foundation of BIOREBA in 1982, we have established collaborative relationships with research institutes and universities in many countries. Now, research institutions and diagnostic laboratories around the world rely on our validated products for testing potatoes, vines, fruit trees, small fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, and field crops. With the detection of plant diseases, we enable farmers worldwide to grow healthy crops.
BIOREBA products are available worldwide. The competent BIOREBA team and an extensive distributor network ensure rapid response to customer inquiries and prompt delivery of products. We propose reliable products and services to our customers, considering the current scientific knowledge and the available technological possibilities.
Our employees do their utmost to strictly comply with our quality standards.
BIOREBA has received the ISO 9001:2015 certification, the internationally recognized quality management system certificate.